Since finding out about SVG graphics years ago, I have been a fan. I love how they look on high resolution screens compared to raster graphics. Until now, I have not had the chance to try out using them for animations. One of my projects required an animation to show an item that is in the process of being downloaded. Rather then using an animated GIF, I opted to go with an animated SVG.
I wanted something that would look familiar to users as a loading icon. So I started with a basic completing circle animation. I also wanted to add a bit more context to the animation so I added a downward arrow and a horizontal line. My hope is that users will connect this symbol with the action of downloading something. I have shown the icon to a few people they had no trouble understanding that it indicated a downloading item. A wider audience may disagree, but feel free to judge for yourself.
Now on to the technical aspect. SVG animations require that the SVG XML be embedded in the document not added as a linked file from an image tag. For a simple image, like mine, this is easy to do without half the document being image code. For a more complex drawing this won’t be the case and I won’t get into that here.
I created the SVG elements in Inkscape and coped the raw image instruction for the elements out of the file using a text editor. I then placed the SVG instructions within a G tag to group the separate objects and make it possible to easily transform my new icon.
The next piece is the CSS. I started by creating three selectors that allow me set three states of my icon: not downloaded, downloading and downloaded. They each set the icon’s color and play state.
#download { stroke:#000; fill: #000; } #downloaded { stroke:#00bbe0; fill: #00bbe0; -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; animation-play-state: paused; } #downloading { stroke:#00bbe0; fill: #00bbe0; }
Next we create a selector for circle outline that gives instructions for hiding part of the the completed circle. To create the completing circle animation we will use a transparent dash stroke and change it’s offset to show a varied completeness of the circle.
The stroke-dasharray value has to be longer than the circumference of the outer circle. I chose a value of 500 so if the whole animation was made a bit larger, the animation would still work as designed. The animation value is how long the transition between empty to full will take to complete. I chose two seconds as it seems to be a comfortable speed.
Since this is an animation a keyframe selector must be specified. In this example the keyframe selector has two sub-selectors: to and from. These specify the starting and ending states of the animation. Combined with the stroke-dashoffset declaration we specify the starting position of our transparent dash. For this I am transitioning from a larger value to a smaller one, to make the circle fill clockwise. Swapping the values makes the animation go in reverse. For the current size of the drawing a difference of about 100 is required.
Below you can see the final product
See the Pen Basic SVG+CSS Downloading Animation by Alec Dhuse (@alecdhuse) on CodePen.
A Few More Notes:
Compatibility of the CSS declarations for animations is mixed, which leads to many duplicate declarations in order to make animations cross browser compatible.
Second, is that if the CSS specifies specific animation declarations and the general animation declaration, the more specific must be placed after the general. Like this:
... animation: show 2s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; ...